Monday, March 24, 2014

Irony and the Wild Animals of Facebook

If honesty in today's world stands for anything, it is that it stands on its own two feet and covers itself in a blanket of irony--because it is cold.  Honesty has its place and its time; a well timed honest remark can incite the passions.

Facebook is no place for honesty.  I mentioned in a previous post that what fancies me at the moment is keeping an open tab on my browser for the infamous facebook.  It's a grimy place, full of irony, sarcasm, and an occasional worthy article on my feed--and sometimes, what is most amusing of all, is my "friends'" desire to seem smart, funny, and "human".  There is never a lack of someone wanting some attention:  a majestic daily ego boost for one's health.

In all honesty, I enjoy the drama that unfolds through facebook.  It is its reason for existence.  What has become questionable for me is the lack of courage from my "friends" to post something meaningful and worthwhile.  It is a social network at the end of the day.  There is a lack of taste; they put their boots on but don't walk out the door.

Sometimes I post quotes here and there, but nobody bites.  They just like.  Is that what the facebook world has come to?  We put on our boots, our clothes, and our coats--it is still "Winter" here in New York--only to go to the zoo that facebook is, and simply refuse to see the irony of it all:  an animal amongst animals who goes by the title of "human".

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